History of computer design: Macintosh LC

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Mac LCIntroduced in October 1991, the Macintosh LC was the first colour Macintosh to be marketed towards consumers rather than professionals - LC is an abbreviation for low-cost colour (see its technical specifications).

The design of the LC is a playful reworking of the Snow White language. It is similar to the IIsi in surface details, but it is much smaller, only highMac LC from back enough to accommodate three Snow White lines on its sides. To elevate it slightly and allow its floppy slot to be accessible over top of a keyboard, the LC has a plastic foot extending from the front of its recessed base. At each back corner of its base, there are smaller arcs to support the back of the elevated LC. Altogether, the rounded plastic pedestal gives the LC the five degree tilt emulated by the IIsi. This tilt and the expectant expression it suggests would be used on several later products that departed more fully from Snow White.


To a crisis at Apple (1989)

To the Macintosh Classic

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frogdesign || 5-Corporate focus || Conclusion || Bibliography & links