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Apple Computer Reading List
Books covering the history of Apple Computer, Inc.

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Books Published in the 1990s
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John Sculley: Building the Apple Dream (Wizards of Business)
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by Harriet Spiesman

October, 1991; Garrett Educational Corp; ISBN: 156074023X; ? pages

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A biography of John Sculley, who gave up the presidency of Pepsi-Cola to join Apple Computer. [Amazon]

Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition, and Still Can't Get a Date

cover of Accidental Empires (1992)

cover of Accidental Empires (1996)

by Robert X. Cringely

February, 1992; Addison Wesley; ISBN: 0201570327; 324 pages
New edition: September, 1996; Harperbusiness; ISBN: 0887308554; 384 pages

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When the original version came out, this book was hailed as the best book ever written about the computer industry. Now updated through 1996, it's certainly one of the best again. Cringely examines not only the developments in personal computing and the advent of online culture but the personalities behind them and does so with satiric insight. This isn't about technology, it's about people and all the weird things they do. And it's terrific fun. [Amazon]

The Macintosh Reader
cover of Macintosh Reader

by Doug Clapp

1992; Random House; ISBN: 0679742425; 452 pages

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Subtitled: "Secrets, tips, history, whimsy, opinions, advice, art, interviews, amazing stories, amazing people. The best ever written about Apple's most marvelous computer." That just about covers what you'll find in this book. It's a large collection of mostly essays, reprints of magazine articles, some book chapter excerpts and more. Most of the book would qualify as history. Some fun items include a list of the famous people that were given free Macs in 1984; Steve Jobs' dramatic speech at the unveiling of the original Macintosh; and a great inteview with Bruce Horn and Steve Capps called "A Vibrator For Your Mind." Bruce and Steve programmed the Macintosh System and Finder.

MacIntosh Human Interface Guidelines
cover of Human Interface Guidelines

by Apple Computer

January, 1993; Addison-Wesley; ISBN: 0201622165; 384 pages

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Recently the field of computer-human interaction has exploded with new ideas, technologies, and issues. In response to these many developments, Apple presents this beautiful, full-color book that not only describes the interface guidelines for Macintosh computers, but also examines the theory behind the famous Macintosh "look and feel" and the process of designing and testing an interface. [Amazon]

Steven Jobs: Computer Genius
cover of Steven Jobs: Computer Genius

by Laurie E. Rozakis

June, 1993; Rourke Publishing Group; ISBN: 086592001X; 48 pages

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A biography for young people.

Defying Gravity: The Making of Newton
cover of Defying Gravity

by Markos Kounalakis, Doug Menuez (Photographer), Julie Livingston (Editor)

October, 1993; Beyond Words Pub Co.; ISBN: 0941831949; 200 pages

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Photos of people in action and at rest at various hours of day and night combine with narrative and dialog to convey the flavor of corporate activity at Apple Computer in the months leading up to the introduction of new technology touted as revolutionary. [Amazon]

Stan Veit's History of the Personal Computer: From Altair to IBM, A History of the PC Revolution
cover of Stan Veit's History of the Personal Computer

by Stan Veit

December, 1993; WorldComm; ISBN: 1566640237; 304 pages

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This book is an absolute gem. A very personable story of the ups and downs of the early home computers. Stan owned Computer Mart in New York City, one of the early personal computer stores in the U.S. He knew most of the players and tried all the then-new machines. Chapter 5 is entitled The Early Days of Apple Computer and contains a treat of a story about how Stan helped a young Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak share a booth with him at the first national computer show.

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