Gary Kildall
  • 1970 Xerox opens the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)


  • 1971 - Intel develops the 8008 microprocessor
  • Niklaus Wirth invents the Pascal programming language
  • Steve Wozniak and Bill Fernandez build their "Cream Soda Computer"


  • 1972 - Gary Kildall writes PL/M, the first progamming language for the 4004
  • Bob Albrecht founds People's Computer Company (PCC)
  • Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Traf-O-Data in Seattle
  • Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs begin selling "blue boxes" (devices to subvert the phone system and make free calls)


  • 1973 - Andre Thi Truong creates the Micral industrial microcomputer based on the 8008 chip
  • Steve Wozniak joins Hewlett-Packard
  • The Community Memory Project begins in the SanFrancisco Bay Area
  • Radio Electronics publishes an article by Don Lancaster describing a "TV Typewriter"
  • Gary Kildall and Ben Cooper builds their astrology forecasting machine
  • Bob Metcalfe invents Ethernet