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Apple Computer Reading List
Books covering the history of Apple Computer, Inc.

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Books published in the 1980s - 17 books

Books published in the 1990s - 21 books

Books published in the 2000s
- 18 books

Biographies - 20 books

History Links
- 104 links

What's New - December 30, 2017

You've come to the right place to track down books about Apple Computer. Here you can view covers of each book along with a short synopsis. Links will send you to online reviews, an author's web page, and places to purchase new or used copies of the books. After your visit, hop on over to the History Link page and scoot off to other great Apple history sites around the web. Hope you have a pleasant time.


To find one of these books: 1) visit your library or use interlibrary loan, 2) order it from your local independent bookstore, 3) try a used bookstore (or search for used copies on the internet), 4) order it from the author, or 5) go for the discount places like Amazon. If you decide to buy from Amazon through a link on this site, I will get a small dividend. All funds received will be used to purchase copies of these books to donate to local libraries.

Apple II News
Site (c) 1998-2023 by Andy Molloy
Originally created: September 18, 1998
Comments, suggestions, dead links? Email me!
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